I am not an avid Trump supporter. Ted Cruz is the candidate I would most like to see sworn in come January 2017. However, if Donald Trump is the last man standing, I would vote for him over Hillary or Bernie, believing that choice is far better for America.
It is especially ironic how the definition of racism has become any disagreement with a person of color or different ethnicity. If you disagree with Obama, racism has become the explanation given by the liberal progressive, i.e. democrat. Never would they consider that policy disagreement may be the root cause of the criticism.
Democrats running for national office have become very adept at labeling their opponents with names. Remember how Sarah Palin was labeled as a stupid bimbo? The label was a result of an effective impersonation by Tina Fey (and her uncanny resemblance) on a recurring Saturday Night Live skit. But democrats and liberal media replayed the skit often, and soon the democrat followers believed that Sarah was a dolt.
Now they are at it again, this time labeling Donald Trump as a racist. The genesis was his speech given when announcing his candidacy. A sound byte, repeated thousands of times by the mainstream media and highlighted by democrat candidates, sounds like he is calling all Mexicans rapists and murderers. He was not. Reading his comments in context results in a far different message.
The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else's problems.
Thank you. It's true, and these are the best and the finest. When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. [pointing to hispanics in the crowd]
They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.
Trump's point was that Mexico is dumping their criminals on America. Whether factually correct, or elegantly stated, the message is far different than what was reported by media and repeated by democrats. Yet, the label sticks. Every time Trump mentions building a wall along the southern border, liberals shout racism. They no longer even refer to his remarks. They just call him a racist and it has stuck.
The irony is that democrats have a long legacy of racism. A favorite quote from Dinesh D'Souza encapsulates the democrat party's history and hypocrisy.
“The Democrats want us to believe they're the party of equal rights and human rights and civil rights. The truth is the Democrats are the party of slavery, and Indian removal, of broken treaties and the Trail of Tears, they're the party of segregation and Jim Crow and lynching and the Ku Klux Klan, they're the party of Japanese internment, and opposition to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the Fair Housing Bill of 1968. This is their actual history so what they do is they try to cover it up.”
Instead of labeling others as racists based on out of context quotes or simple disagreement, racism should be defined as the overt favoritism for, or bias against, one race to another. Using that definition, the irony expands to most of the democrat party. BlackLivesMatter intones that only blacks are targeted by police, a theory that cannot be backed up with fact. La Raza (The Race) inherently operates to lift up one race over all others. National democrat candidates sell their soul to these groups and others, (NAACP, National Black Caucus), who precisely fit this definition of racism.
My initial response to any politician who calls his opponent a racist or compares them to Hitler, is they really don't have a good argument to make for themselves. Unfortunately there is a large percentage of Americans who hear the name-calling and mentally hang the racist label around a candidate's neck. To my disappointment, it seems to work.
Well said. So sad that so many people cannot discuss or debate without vilifying the other person with such labels.