Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Demonize the Poor

Liberals has consistently and successfully parried all conservative attempts to jump start the American economy by claiming they only want to give money to the rich.  This has become known as demonizing the rich, or promoting class warfare.  It really enrages me.

First, its not giving money to anyone.  It is not taking as much as they planned to.  Remember the money being "given" to the rich is their own money.  Money that was earned, saved or invested.  If the government doesn't take it, is that really constitute giving?  I don't think so.

Second, assuming it really is giving money to the rich, who else would you want to give money to?  The rich has shown an ability to turn a buck into two, and create a few jobs while doing it.  If the intention is to jump start the economy, who else would you give money to?

Since Obama has taken office, entitlements to the "poor" are risen.  Where are the jobs?  It's not working.  In fact, it is a drag on the economy.  As those who pay federal income tax as fallen below 50% of all citizens, our economic problems have compounded.  As entitlements continue to grow and be funded using borrowed money, the value of our dollar has plummeted.  As unemployment payments have been extended up to 2 years, unemployment has continued to run over 9%.

Sounds to me that our problems are not caused by the rich, who pay federal tax, and do not draw on entitlements or unemployment compensation.  The problems are caused by the poor.  At least I have never met a rich person who collects welfare.  I am waiting for a candidate to state the obvious.  Our current problems are in large part due to so many people collecting off the public dole.  Just like with a Ponzi scheme, when more people collect than contribute, catastrophe is near.  Let's demonize the poor for a while.

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