Sunday, June 28, 2009

Tiller the Killer

It has now been several weeks since the unfortunate murder of George Tiller, (unfortunate for all but third trimester fetuses) . Reasonable pro-lifers will all agree that Scott Roeder was absolutely wrong in gunning down Tiller - nothing justifies cold blooded, pre-meditated murder. Roeder should face the full consequence of his action. But did Tiller's death make the world a better place? Yes, but only if others do not take his place. Equally unfortunate as Tiller's murder, other late term abortionists have already filled the demand left by Tiller's clinic closing.

I have been somewhat surprised by the idol worship of Tiller by the pro-abortion forces. I read one article where his quotes were held in high reverence. One quote went something like this: "You will never understand abortion until you known the heart of a woman". Sounds to me like a person trying to justify their work.

Abortion is killing a human life, and George Tiller was the Hitler of abortion. Many of his victims were viable and killed only for convenience. In my mind that makes him an opportunist. A person willing to sacrifice personal honor and decency to perform an under-served clientele - one that most doctors will not approach. Does that sound like a hero or unethical business man?

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