On average, the Obama supporter is not the most well informed voter. In fact, many did not distinguish Tina Fey or John Stewart comedy routines from actual news stories. The mainstream media contributed to this by repeated airing of current events along with the gags during nightly news. Also remember that Saturday Night Live was given a prime time evening time slot as the election neared. Many, including this writer, believe this was a conscious decision by the media leadership to help a far left Barrack get elected in a predominantly conservative country.
And while ABC and NBC provide the Obama administration with unprecedented access to unchallenged media time (for example the recent national health care infomercial), conservatives continue to hunker down in fear of losing even more of their power.
Let's look at Barrack's significant accomplishments since inauguration:
As promised, a tax cut was given to the vast majority of citizens. Did you notice it? Mine worked out to be around $7 a week. I think may of us tax payers were underwhelmed.
Closing of Guantanamo Bay was promised. A plan was never defined, so this promise remains unfulfilled and will likely stay that way until a governor raises his hand as says he will take the detainees. Not likely.
The Federal Government now owns a majority stake in Insurance, Financial, Automobile Manufacturer, and Mortgage lending businesses. This country's economy was built on capitalism, not nationalism or socialism. Many are now seeing this direction as a way of increasing the power of the national government. Do you hear that thump, thump thump? That's Thomas Jefferson spinning in his grave. Barrack will win the debate if he can turn these companies around and recover tax payer dollars. If he fails, we all drown in hyper-inflation caused by printing money.
A Cap and Trade bill is passing through the Congress. Couched as an environment bill, the true intent is to limit the amount of energy each citizen can afford. The United States will then be seen as good global citizens, using only their fair share of the worlds energy resources. Surprisingly, this proposal hits the poor the hardest as they will be the first live in homes that are too hot or too cold.
A Supreme Court nominee was presented to the Senate. Many thought Barrack would extend an olive branch to conservatives by nominating a middle of the road successor to Justice Kennedy. Instead, he went hard left with a judge who claims that experience gained by gender and race can be used to make constitutional decisions.
Troop drawdown in Iraq is underway. While far too early to tell if he can successfully withdraw from Iraq, Barrack's base feels he has moved far too slowly on this. His campaign timetable was to immediately begin drawing down troops.
Projected deficit has quadrupled and the national debt debt is expected to double. Never in American history has so much deficit spending or national debt (in real terms or as a percentage of GNP) been planned in the forward looking budget. I believe that nearly all Americans understand that debt is bad, and more debt is worse. Using the administration's own figures, Obama will rack up more debt in his 4 years, that all presidents from George Washington to George Bush combined.
National Health Care is now on under consideration. Many of the citizen supporters are not aware that Barrack's plan will not be free. Instead, they may be required to carry and pay for a level of health care insurance they currently do not. It will be interesting to see how fast they run from their "right" to health care.
When you consider the potential long term consequences of these initiatives, it is no wonder that his job approval rating is in decline. The wonder is that it is not falling at a faster rate. As more of his base becomes aware of the sharp left turn he is taking the country, they will begin to question it. As energy costs increase, they will feel the pain in their wallet they thought would be administered only to the "rich". In the end, Barrack's a job approval ratings will fall into the George Bush range. Does that make Barrack a bad president? Absolutely not. The contribution a president makes is sometimes not seen for years after his administration leaves office. Short term opinion polls are not good gauges on the effectiveness of an administration.
For those of us who bothered to listen to the presidential campaign carefully, this is no surprise. Obama's history and his rhetoric clearly indicated where he planned to take this country. Unfortunately, many chose to listen to the flowery speeches and bias media reporting instead of what the candidate was saying.