Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Plan B

It has become apparent that, in addition to her unlikability, Hillary Clinton may add  indictments to her presidential resume before the election.  If she were ordinary, the indictment would have already been delivered based on her reckless handling of confidential and secret material as secretary of state. Since she is considered political royalty, the FBI is being especially cautious.  Good.  When the indictments come, I want them to be ironclad.  How can they not after learning that she asked a subordinate to strip away classification marking before faxing a heavily redacted document to her private unsecure email system.

The question that will remain is whether an unlikable democrat charged with one or more felonies is still electable.  She may be fine based on the unawareness of a typical democrat who just wants their fair share at America's teat. But I still has enough faith in the average citizen to hope that pending felonies will hurt her chances. It will become apparent that she is officially unelectable when we see the Plan B emerge from the democrat party.  I wonder what it will be?  Some scenarios are downright frightening.

  1. Joe Biden or Elizabeth Warren enter the race, or more concerning, Joe enters and names Elizabeth as his VP.  Name recognition alone would propel them to the top of the polls. Polls don't elect, so the problem they will have is no organization or ground game unless Hillary donates hers.  I doubt she would.
  2. Michelle enters the race and runs as her husbands third term. That could be hard to beat since she is liked more than Hillary or Barack.  Personality alone could be enough to make a strong run.
  3. Barack cites a national emergency to ask that the constitution be superseded and allow him to run for term #3.  Hey, his job approval numbers aren't that much lower than they were in 2012.  He could theoretically do it again.  Roosevelt was elected 3 times, so there is precedence.
  4. The worst case scenario could be that Biden, Clinton, Michelle or some other old wrinkled democrat add Barack as their VP.  Then, after the election, the old wrinkled democrat steps down for health reasons.
All four of these scenarios are unconstitutional, but what have we learned in the past two years?  The Constitution can be bent if it suits a progressive liberal purpose. I believe the least likely scenario is that Bernie Sanders gets the nomination.  The mainstream media constantly calls Donald Trump unelectable, or disastrous to the republican party, but fail to mention that Bernie is that and more to the democrats.

Bernie is a socialist.  Bernie would over-regulate, over-tax and over-control every aspect of the private sector.  Donors would abandon the democrat party if Bernie was the nominee.  It won't happen.

What will happen is Plan B. There is one in development.

1 comment:

  1. As I read those Plan B options and the potential for them to be enacted, like in the Dodgeball movie, the phrase "I threw up in my mouth a little bit" came to mind. It's sad to grasp the reality of how such a large part of the U.S. population has taken on the mindset that the result justifies the means.
