Friday, July 10, 2015

End of Sabbatical

It was 4 months to the day since I left my job.  Next Monday I begin a new job with Time Warner Cable, sort of going back to where I started.  I have greatly enjoyed my time off.  Over the past 4 months, I have observed many things personally and in current events.  One item has stuck with me as a new learning.  It is not an original thought, but once I heard it, it really resonated.  It can be proven true by looking back on recent events, and watching tonight's nightly news.

Americans have become too comfortable with thought control.

I'm not referring to the soft kind that advertisers use - buy our stuff and you will look cool.  Instead, I am referring to the full blown Orwellian 1984 kind where government and the media combine to control the way people think.  Just look back at the past few months.

Did you think a year ago that America has a problem with white cops shooting black men?  The idea cannot be substantiated with facts, but many people believe it anyway.  We hear the chant of black lives matter.  Yes they do, but why specify black lives? Don't all lives matter, white, black, brown, and police?  Hands up, don't shoot became a rallying cry and was completely based on a lie. Yet the media reported it, political figures repeated it and many people to this day believe it.  If you do not agree, you are racist.  It's thought control.

Five years ago an overwhelming majority of Americans believed that marriage is an institution between a man and a woman.  Even current champions of LGBT causes supported traditional marriage a few months or years ago.  But since then a massive media campaign has portrayed gays as lovable characters on TV shows, and courageous public representatives of a legitimate lifestyle.  The media campaign changed how gays are perceived, which by itself is not a negative.  But a majority of Americans still believe that same sex marriage is not natural and do not personally support it.  Yet, the judicial branch has forced same sex marriage irrevocably into law while the media plays a narrative that if you do not agree, you are homophobic.  It's government and media practicing pure unadulterated thought control.

Climate change has become the new religion of progressives.  The basic theory of carbon in the atmosphere changing climate has not, and cannot be proven, yet it is considered settled science.  The term "settled science" should be enough to discover the underlying thought control.  Is any science settled?  The climate change theory that came with a predictive graph showing future average temperatures has been a complete bust, yet the practitioners of the climate change religion continue to have faith.  Government labels those who challenge the theory as deniers and troglodytes, while the media provides cover for temperature data contamination, outright falsification, and alternative theories. It's thought control.

In just over a year, we will elect a new president. The media won't directly tell us who to vote for, but will enforce a bias that provides an unfair advantage to their candidate.  You will not need to look past the evening news to see certain candidates reported with a negative slant while another positively.  Video clips and still pictures will be carefully selected to portray friendly, caring shots of the desired candidate while others will look grim, unhappy or mean.  Harsh, inelegant quotes from unfavored candidates will be repeated during the 24 hour news cycle without consideration of the truthfulness of the quote.  Spectacular lies from the favored candidate will be ignored.

How was the Confederate flag changed from a Civil War symbol to the logo of racism?  Americans have become too comfortable with thought control.

1 comment:

  1. I'd make a comment on your wonderful blog, but I'm waiting for media guidance on what my opinion of it is supposed to be. I'll get back to you.
