Monday, July 30, 2012


Today marks 

married to my 

Friday, July 27, 2012

Who is Being Intolerant?

“we’re inviting God’s judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at him and say we know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage. And I pray God’s mercy on our generation that has such a prideful, arrogant attitude that thinks we have the audacity to redefine what marriage is all about.”  

"We are very much supportive of the family — the biblical definition of the family unit," ... “We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives. We give God thanks for that.”

“While my family and I believe in the Biblical definition of marriage, we love and respect anyone who disagrees,”.

Dan Cathy, President of Chick-fil-A

"The Chick-fil-A culture and service tradition in our restaurants is to treat every person with honor, dignity and respect -- regardless of their belief, race, creed, sexual orientation or gender. We will continue this tradition in the over 1,600 restaurants run by independent owner/operators. Going forward, our intent is to leave the policy debate over same-sex marriage to the government and political arena," 

Don Perry, the Chick-fil-A's vice president of corporate public relations

 "This solidifies Chick-fil-A as being closely aligned with some of the most vicious anti-gay voices in the country," 

Carlos Maza, Equality Matters.

"Apparently, in the Cathy family’s mind, gay people don’t have families, no one divorces, and everyone must be Christian."

David Badash, The New Civil Rights Movement

“Chick Fil-A values are not Chicago’s values”.

Raum Emanuel, Mayor of Chicago

 “anyone who eats S%#@ Fil-A deserves to get the cancer that is sure to come from eating antibiotic filled tortured chickens 4Christ,” 

“off to grab a s%#@ fil-A sandwich on my way to worshipping Christ, supporting Aipac and war in Iran.”

Roseanne Barr,  Comedienne?

"Chick-fil-A doesn't belong in Boston. You can't have a business in the city of Boston that discriminates against a population. We're an open city, we're a city that's at the forefront of inclusion,"

Thomas Menino, Mayor of Boston

"We're in America where everybody has the right to say 'You know what? I don't believe in this' and you have the right not to come. It's like watching television. You don't like reality tv shows? Don't turn them on. You don't like what they're doing? Don't go. But do not step on their right, amybody's right, to have an opinion. This is STILL America. We still have the right..."

Whoopi Goldberg, Actress, Comedienne, and Talk Show Host

I've never said this before, but I am in complete agreement with Whoopi.  If you like Dan Cathy's stand on marriage, or if you like Chick-Fil-A's product, you should support the company.  If you dislike either, you have the right to stay away.

It is funny the "tolerant Left" has reacted this way.  finding Dan Cathy guilty of Thoughtcrime as defined in George Orwell's 1984.  Not that majority should rule in the area of Civil Rights, but 26 states have put the definition of marriage on their ballots and 26 times the Biblical definition has won.  Both Barack Obama and Bill Clinton have publicly stated the same position, although they later flip flopped.

Mike Huckabee has called on those who will support Dan Cathy to show that support on Wednesday, August 1st by making it the highest volume day in Chick-fil-A's history.  I'm in. 

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Why be a Conservative?

That is a good question.  There is a cost to identifying yourself with the Right.  Besides being generalized as bitter, clinging to guns or religion, the leftist media will:

Call you a racist if you disagree with a black man.  If you are black, then you are an Uncle Tom.
Portray you as you as anti-woman if you believe those who have a moral problem with birth control should not pay for other people’s birth control.
Label you as anti-choice if you are pro-life.

If your belief is that marriage is between one man and one woman, they you are called a homophobe.

Red neck, bible-thumping, homophobic, sexist, anti-choice, bigoted knuckle draggers.  That's us.  Why should we put up with that abuse?
But there are many of us on the right, and our numbers are growing.  Why do we flaunt our political incorrectness?  Simple, we are motivated and driven by principle.  
We believe in the sanctity of life.  We believe in personal responsibility.  We support equal opportunity.  We believe the Constitution should not be reinterpreted or easily changed.  We believe capitalism is responsible for past prosperity.  We believe in individual ownership of property.  We believe the right to bear arms is the last resort against government tyranny.  We believe in small government and a healthy business environment. We believe that religious belief has a place in government. 
Our beliefs are based in common sense.  Reason drives our belief.  We learn from history.  Facts are more valuable than feelings.
We are polar opposites of the modern Democratic Party.  We are Right.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

You Didn't Build That

By saying “If you've got a business, you didn't build that.”  Obama only announced what we already knew about him.  He is a socialist who believes the government is the source of all prosperity.  The quote was reported in the media for several days.  Only this week Obama and his minions responded.  Their response was that critics were taking his comments out of context, and they may be frighteningly right.  You rarely hear what Obama said immediately prior to the “you didn’t build that” statement.  If you do, the meaning changes.  Here is Obama’s full quote.

"If you've been successful, you didn't get there on your own. You didn't get there on your own. I'm always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there. It must be because I worked harder than everybody else. Let me tell you something -- there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there. 

"If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn't get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet."

So he appears to be saying that if you own a business, the roads and bridges used by customers to do business with you were built by the government.  Forgetting that these construction projects were paid for by taxpayers, (the business owners and the people ones doing business with them), it seems like a reasonable statement.  But which context did he mean to communicate when he said “If you've got a business, you didn't build that.”   Only Obama knows for sure, but I suppose we should take him at his word and believe he was referring to the roads and bridges.  Assuming that was the context, why would he say it?  The answer to that question may be more disturbing than it appears.

Obama was making a case that corporate profits are made possible by the central government.  He must do so before he confiscates a larger portion of them to “share the wealth”.  In Obama’s mind, raising taxes on the rich is only taking money they owe the government anyway. Sometimes referred to as “socializing profits”, this is the next step in Obama’s plan to socialize America.  At its core, the philosophy believes that nothing is owned by the individual.  Instead, everything is owned by the government for the benefit of the collective - the "village".  From each according to his ability, to each according to his need” is a pure Marxist philosophy.  It is also the basis for Obama’s plan to Transform America. If Obama can convince enough people to go along with that logic, he can win the election.  When there are more takers than contributors, the takers will rule.  We may be there already.

Taking Obama’s words in context is far more troubling than believing he made a stupid gaff in front of a supporting crowd.