Thursday, July 26, 2012

Why be a Conservative?

That is a good question.  There is a cost to identifying yourself with the Right.  Besides being generalized as bitter, clinging to guns or religion, the leftist media will:

Call you a racist if you disagree with a black man.  If you are black, then you are an Uncle Tom.
Portray you as you as anti-woman if you believe those who have a moral problem with birth control should not pay for other people’s birth control.
Label you as anti-choice if you are pro-life.

If your belief is that marriage is between one man and one woman, they you are called a homophobe.

Red neck, bible-thumping, homophobic, sexist, anti-choice, bigoted knuckle draggers.  That's us.  Why should we put up with that abuse?
But there are many of us on the right, and our numbers are growing.  Why do we flaunt our political incorrectness?  Simple, we are motivated and driven by principle.  
We believe in the sanctity of life.  We believe in personal responsibility.  We support equal opportunity.  We believe the Constitution should not be reinterpreted or easily changed.  We believe capitalism is responsible for past prosperity.  We believe in individual ownership of property.  We believe the right to bear arms is the last resort against government tyranny.  We believe in small government and a healthy business environment. We believe that religious belief has a place in government. 
Our beliefs are based in common sense.  Reason drives our belief.  We learn from history.  Facts are more valuable than feelings.
We are polar opposites of the modern Democratic Party.  We are Right.

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