One negative from my new job is that I work at an office in Kansas City, Missouri. The city levies an earnings tax on all people who work inside their city. Next Tuesday, the E-Tax comes up for a vote to renew it for 5 more years. Those in favor and against are spending vast sums to convince citizens to pass or defeat the tax.
The earnings tax really irritates me. Not just because it is a tax and all taxes are irritating. This one is special. The city claims that since everyone who works in the city uses public services such as fire, police and roads, it is fair to levy the tax on everybody. No. It's not.
Residents of cities in Kansas and Missouri somehow manage to fund their public services without charging non-residents who work within their city limits. Why can't Kansas City Missouri do the same? Simple. The city is run by democrats. Has been for years. Democrats cannot spend wisely, and fritter away money on failed TIFs, unneeded street cars, multiple arenas, and entertainment districts that continue to require assistance to remain viable.
In short, the city needs an earnings tax to continue crony spending. Then, when the tax comes up for a vote, the city threatens citizens to lay off police and fire to offset the revenue loss. Wow. What a crock. There is never a thought they could balance their budget by becoming thrifty, and spending the money like it was their own.
As a Kansas resident, the tax is even more irritating. I don't get to vote on whether it is renewed. Not only do I not get to vote on a tax that I pay, each day I see the pro-earnings tax advertising state that 50% of the revenue is paid by those not living in the city. That's me! Talk about flaunting it. Not only is taxation without representation unfair, it is also used to encourage residents of Kansas City to pass it! Tax Kansans to pay half of the city's expenses!
Kansas City, St. Louis, Detroit, and other major cities are suffering under the failed leadership of democrat politicians. Imagine what they could do for America if elected in 2016.
Emmy's First Birthday!
9 years ago