It seems that America is as polarized as it has ever been. The left and right don't often agree on anything. It is easy to blame the other side for not being reasonable. Some of the blame is understandable and justified. There are far too many people who rely on the opinions of those who share their belief system and never bother to think for themselves.
It seems that our current polarization is largely caused by either principles or partisanship. It is partisanship that closes minds and causes gridlock. Polarization caused by principles is a good behavior. We all should have a core set of principles used to form our own opinions.
Looking at our current political environment, I find it fairly easy to categorize groups of people who hold specific beliefs into the principled or partisan groups. While not 100% accurate, progressive liberals tend to be more partisan that conservatives. Conservatives tend to be more principled. Even so, contradictions exist. A conservative principle is the value of life. We use this principle to form our beliefs on abortion and euthanasia, but not so much with the death penalty.
Contradictions abound with the progressives who more often than not, side with their political party leaders on most issues. And the party leaders form their contrary positions based on what conservatives are for or against. There are exceptions. While I personally detest the progressive liberal philosophy, those who form their progressive liberal position based on principle can be respected.
For example, I have no doubt that Bernie Sanders truly believes that a socialist society would be better than our current form of capitalism. We know because he doesn't try to hide it. He is very honest and open about his belief. There are others. Bill Maher and Micheal Moore do not leave any doubt on what they believe, however detestable.
Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are the opposite. They constantly attempt to hide their true beliefs, and if cornered, change their story. Obama could never have been elected if he had been truthful with the American people in 2004 and 2008. Just how far left Hillary Clinton is cannot be ascertained since she constantly shifts her positions based on polling and audience.
The press can be the worst of partisans. They typically side with politicians who have the same progressive liberal beliefs. Examples can be found daily. The mainstream press will attack conservatives on climate without ever questioning the malfeasance occurring within the climate science community. Ben Carson can be attacked on fund raising or his recollection of 50 year old events, however the Clinton foundation raising $2 billion is never mentioned. Nor is Obama's past relationships with communists and black liberation radicals. The bias is nauseating.
Knee jerk, illogical reactions are also a product of partisan polarization. We now live in a society where the inanimate gun is an evil object capable of killing. A society where those who question traditional values and the rule of law are labeled as racist, homophobes and xenophobes. This name calling has become reactionary, and is not based on principle.
Maybe America has always been polarized. I know that in certain times, such as the period leading up to the Civil War, polarization was intense. I wonder if that is where we are headed today?
I long for a time when everyone would recognize their own principles and form their opinions independent of the press and populism. We would all be much better off.
A day after publishing this post, a definitive proof point emerges on the Democratic National Committee website. There is now a website called that coaches progressives on how to discuss current events with conservatives. If you base your beliefs on principles, do you need to be coached by a political organization? Not unless you base your positions on a partisan basis only.